California State University Police
Schedule A Session:

If your agency is not listed, please contact EAP for mental health benefits. Should you wish to pay out of pocket for services, rates will be discussed with your clinician.

California State University Police

California State University Police at San Diego stated mission is “The University Police Department endeavors to promote a safe environment in a manner that is fair, transparent and respectful. We recognize the value in collaborating with our diverse community to improve the quality of life for those who live, study, work, or visit San Diego State University.” Fielding over 5000 9-1-1 calls and handling 45,000 incidents per year on a campus that serves more than 36,000 students is a challenging job. Focus is proud to offer you counseling services.

How do I make an appointment?

Asking for help can be difficult, especially for emergency services personnel. We do our best to make the process as seamless as possible. All you or your dependents need to do is:

  • CALL 858-565-0066 and leave a message in the new client voicemail, or with the therapist of your choice.
  • EMAIL through the link on this page

You will be contacted within 24 hours to set up an appointment. Appointments are available to accommodate your shifts and days off. We understand a fire-rescue career is unpredictable. If you get called back, held over, or experience any other schedule change, we will reschedule as soon as possible in accordance with your availability.

Who is eligible for counseling services?

Focus services are available to your agency’s personnel and their cohabitating partners. Focus will meet with the parents of children under the age of 18 to provide them with tools to help their children. On a case-by-case basis, Focus clinicians may meet individually with juveniles.

What kind of counseling is available to us?

The services are unlimited, free to you, and completely confidential. We do not contact the department or any of its employees, or bill in a manner that would have the potential to identify our clients. Limits to confidentiality are legal reporting requirements for child/elder abuse or neglect, and situations where we believe someone’s life is in eminent danger. We are not mandated to report domestic violence.

Counseling services are available for most of the emotional issues faced by you and your family in today’s complex world. Common presenting issues include (but are not limited to):

  • Relationship problems
  • Anger
  • Post-Trauma Recovery
  • Stress
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Habit Control
  • Alcohol/Pain Medication Abuse
  • Coping with Injury
  • Sleep disturbance
  • LGBTQ concerns
  • Undergoing investigation/discipline
  • Family issues
  • Sexual Dysfunction

Can I pick my own therapist?

You may leave a message for the therapist of your choice (see “Focus Professionals.” IF you do not know who you would like to see, leave a message or email and we will assign a counselor based on your presenting problem and therapist availability. It is important that you feel comfortable with your therapist. If at any time, for any reason you wish to change therapist, you are encouraged to do so. Ask your therapist and you will be re-assigned.

Focus does NOT provide:

  • Fitness for duty evaluations
  • Child Custody evaluations
  • Pre-employment screening
  • Workers Compensation evaluations

or any other evaluation which would require submitting a report to the Department.


444 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92108


(858) 565-0066